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G L O B A L  A N D  T R A N S V E R S A L  E D U C A T I O N  P R O J E C T


The global educational project launched by Begira Elkartea is framed within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Based on SDG 4 and in a cross-cutting manner, human rights, especially the right to health, gender equality and the environment, and issues related to immigration, coexistence and interculturality will be addressed. All these lines of work will be developed on the basis of the aforementioned SDG 4, taking into account the existing relationship between the selected themes so that this cross-cutting nature converges.


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One of the essential proposals is to strengthen the critical spirit in order to promote alternatives for building a more equitable and sustainable future. Likewise, education for sustainable development at the local level is the first priority, with the aim of transferring knowledge and transferring the action to third countries through collaborative processes with related projects.


To this end, we will carry out activities framed in the achievement of target 4.7 of the 2030 Agenda, mainly with schools, through programs of hybridization between education, art and technology, education days on SDGs, meetings to make visible the reality of women, migrants and the environment, creating spaces for meetings and reflection, to raise awareness and empower the educational community in some cases, and to show cultural diversity to build respectable environments in other cases.


The project includes information and training activities such as open days, meetings, conferences, the "Edukazine" program that includes film screenings and educational material. Creation of a short animated story about realities associated with the SDGs with the "Stop Motion Studio" application. Program related to educational video games through the open source application Twine, which allows an affordable approach to the use of interactive technology with which to build useful tools for the educational community.



A scenario of international collaboration that generates debate on realities that can be overcome in order to achieve the challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda has been created. An action at the local level in the Basque Country that acts as an incentive to develop a development cooperation project that deepens education on sustainable development at the global level in collaboration with other international projects with which we share objectives.

Jon Arrospide 16 entreplanta

48014 Bilbao


+34 944 050 565

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