International ZinemaFest
International ZinemaFest
For five days the Festival and the subsequent Meeting of Emerging Creators becomes a reference territory and a framework for reflection on the international independent film scene, encouraging the exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge. The event is constituted as an agent of research, practice and diffusion for the works of emerging filmmakers.
To participate in the open program of the International Zinema Fest, an international call for proposals is being launched, which includes those proposals that have an impact on contemporary audiovisual practices. The aim of this call is to give visibility to emerging creators from both the local and international scene. The aim of the call is to bring the most recent works by young filmmakers to the festival's audience, so that they can dialogue with the works of other established filmmakers.
Durante cinco días el Festival y el consiguiente Encuentro de Creadores Emergentes se convierte en un territorio de referencia y un marco de reflexión del panorama internacional del cine independiente, incentivando el intercambio de ideas, experiencia y conocimiento. El evento se constituye como un agente de investigación, praxis y difusión para las obras de los cineastas emergentes.
Para participar en el programa abierto del International Zinema Fest se lanza una convocatoria internacional que da cabida a aquellas propuestas que inciden en las prácticas audiovisuales contemporáneas. El objetivo de esta convocatoria es dar visibilidad a los creadores emergentes tanto del panorama local como internacional. La convocatoria tiene como objetivo acercar al público del festival las obras más recientes de jóvenes realizadores, para que dialoguen con las obras de otros cineastas consagrados.

Promotion and development of social, cultural and educational projects of integral intervention since 2015.
Begira Elkartea is a non-profit association established in 2015 that promotes activities aimed at mediation in the creation and promotion of audiovisual art and cinematography.

The collective supports the creation of content aimed at children and young audiences, as well as working to create audiences and audiovisual literacy through various educational innovation programs with international projection.

They are based on values-based content and new narratives through the use of tools related to the visual arts and committed to coexistence, human rights and social integration. This is because these tools help lay the foundations for the emancipation of young people and favor the development of their own life project.
In addition, the association supports professionals in the sector by facilitating spaces for creation, continuous training, exhibition and distribution. In the educational field, collaborative pedagogies are used with the aim of facilitating the empowerment of people and taking into account the social dimension of art and its possibilities in relation to initiatives for social transformation.
The instruments used by Begira have been designed to be adaptable to the needs of each project program.
They are based on participatory activities, using resources for the construction of stories through visual arts and the responsible use of technology. During the activities, research processes and creation of tools that are useful for vulnerable youth are generated.

In the meetings and activities focused on education and social innovation for young people, different aspects are worked on, usually taking as a reference the 2030 Agenda, Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.
This approach aims to promote the creation of new narratives in coherence with a commitment to free thinking, while fostering creative capacity and learning based on transformative content that affects self-esteem and empowerment of young people who participate in a committed manner in the activities of these meetings.