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E D U C A T I O N  F O R  S U S T A I N A B L E  D E V E L O P M E N T


The Sustainable Development Goals cover the social, economic and environmental spheres.

It is a comprehensive plan that focuses on people, peace, prosperity, care for the planet and alliances between different actors.


In this context, Begira Elkartea has developed a series of training proposals aimed at different sectors of the population. The main objective is the general knowledge of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda and its practical application.




One of the goals of the SDGs seeks to ensure that by 2030 "people everywhere have the information and knowledge relevant to sustainable development". Begira Elkarte offers a workshop to the educational community to discover the Sustainable Development Goals and how to put them into practice in everyday life.


The program for schools ranges from teacher training to the implementation of the SDGs in the classroom. It is materialized in a series of activities for all school levels that are integrated into the different subjects of the school curriculum.


n addition, the program is complemented by a series of manuals and teaching units, in the case of the "Edukazine" program, which work on the Sustainable Development Goals.


Despite the existence of a specific SDG for education, "Quality Education", SDG 4, until now there has been little implementation of content related to the Sustainable Development Goals within the education system.


It is from the approval of the LOMLOE in 2020 that the introduction of education for sustainable development and global citizenship (ESD-ECG) in formal education is contemplated.

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